Friday 15 March 2013

DC vs MARVEL - who would win in a fight between...

In these articles I imagine that the Marvel and DC characters both exist in the same universe and describe the scenarios that would pit characters from Marvel and DC against each other and the reasons why one would defeat another.

For this first DC vs Marvel battle I have chosen Superman vs Captain America. Some would argue why would captain America ever chose to fight superman he isn't strong enough it should be Thor facing off against the man of steel. Well I think it's too simple to pair characters up against each other because of their similar power levels, and it's not a viable reason why they would come into confrontation. If the Marvel and the DC universe merged into one I think more interesting similarities between characters would bring them into 'this town ain't big enough for the both of us' style conflicts.
Here's my reasoning for pairing Superman and Captain America off against each other.They are both the leader of their universe's main super hero team The Justice League and The Avengers respectively. Both have rich histories going back to the 40's where they both fought the Nazis and defeated Hitler and finally both represent truth justice and the American way like no other heroes in their respective universe. I think it would be only logical that there would be room for only one of these characters and they would naturally come into confrontation. And here's how i think it would play out...
                                                     -The True American Hero-
The sun glistens off the red white and blue that adorns both Captain America and Superman as they stand proudly at either side of the president on the white house lawn. Both nominated for the the true American hero award for the relentless defence of the American ideals of truth justice and freedom at home and abroad.
Surrounded by a panel of judges selected from the super hero community, celebrities, congressmen and members of the public all of whom are in the process of casting their vote to decide the winner of America's greatest award.
The president chuckles to break the awkward silence and suggests a friendly sparring match between the two statuesque heroes to help the panel make their decision. Superman is almost arrogant in his reluctance, Cap is only glad to oblige having missed training with The Avengers to be here. Captain America begins circling Superman, both now a little away from the podium and surrounded at a distance by the crowd of judges, media and spectators.Cap is poised and ready moving like the greatest boxers, gauging his imperious opponent, ready for battle and eager to test himself against the man of steel. Superman remains reluctant shying away from cap's advances.
"I've held my own against Thor, don't be afraid to hurt me superman, come on!" , commands Captain America.
Cap swings a punch, Superman decides to allow Cap to Hit him, maybe the pain of punching steel will convince him of the senselessness of this contest. Captain America hammers superman full on the chin with a right hook, Superman who had arrogantly unbraced for the punch finds his head violently jar to the side quickly followed by the rest of his body as it twists and rolls along the Whitehouse lawn tearing up chunks of grass and turf. Superman looks up, his face still showing his genuine shock, to see cap leaping on top of him completely confident in his ability and not surprised in the slightest that his attack has floored the man of steel. Cap smashes his shield into Superman's face drawing blood from his nose. Superman now shaken up and with no thought of hesitation tries to blast Cap with his heat vision but it won't work, neither can he create some distance between him and his opponent using his super speed. He just about manages to shove Cap off him in between attacks. During the brief pause in combat Superman receives a telepathic message from the Martian Manhunter,
" It appears this Captain America is a more powerful opponent than you initially evaluated, it seems his shield which is known to have been constructed from a mysterious combination of metal alloys and elements may contain trace amounts of kryptonite, not enough to cause you physical harm but enough to disable or decrease the potency of your powers, and although your strength and durability have been dramatically lowered you are still considerably stronger than your adversary and you should still be easily be able to win this, 'spar.' ",
Captain America is up and charging down superman before he can contemplate what j'onn j'onzz has told him. Cap ducks under a desperate haymaker thrown by Superman then rolls behind him ramming the edge of his shield into Superman's back. Superman even without his heat vision,flight,super speed, and freeze breath is still a lot stronger and more durable than Cap, but Cap never needed powers, his years of training and fighting experience makes him more than a match for the weakened superman. He out maneuvers his opponent punishing him with his mastery of hand to hand combat while evading or blocking his opponents comparatively inexperienced blows. Captain America is unyielding, he has never gone easy while sparring or training, Kang wouldn't go easy,the red skull wouldn't go easy.
Superman now feverish from the beating, the kryptonite and his own thoughts of humiliation, gathers up some reserve of strength and charges Cap to the ground, grabs his shield and mindlessly hurls it away, he stands over his opponent his power slowly returning ready to finish him, but then he hears something, the first sound his super hearing takes in and the first scene his super sight witnesses is cap's shield embedding itself in the side of the Washington monument. He notices for the first time during the fight the crowd are no longer cheering, in fact some are crying. Captain America is their true American hero, he's one of them, superman flies off in a blur.
2 weeks later
Cap lands a quinjet in the arctic, leaving his shield in the cockpit he exits the ship and walks towards The Fortress of Solitude.
"I was told I'd find you here", Cap's voice echoes towards the back of the icy cavern to where superman stands looking downwards.
"I'm truly sorry for what happened, I repaired the Washington monument and retrieved your shield."
"Thank you but you have nothing to apologize for, it was the kryptonite, I didn't know, and here I brought you this.",
Captain America holds The True American medal in his palm.
"Take it I bet you saved the world more times than me anyway."
"I can't accept that, I'm not American I'm not even from this planet."
"Maybe not but you stand for every value Americans hold dear and you represent the American dream more than anyone, you came here a stranger and instead of just looking to make a life for yourself you fight everyday to make the lives of others safer."
"Thank you Steve"
"No problem big guy, but next time, don't give me a free punch"
"Sure thing cap, I was wrong to underestimate you, your a lot tougher than you look"
"So are you boyscout."

"look who's talking, you and I shoud go...

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