Friday 22 March 2013

The Top 5 Avengers Stories

(all these stories will be reviewed in detail as future comic books of the week)
5. Avengers Dissembled
In essence the last Avengers story,(kind of) and this really initiated a lot of the subsequent big events that were to come at Marvel. Apart from the truly epic battles that build up to the necessary breaking up of The Avengers, it's the aftermath, the looking back at each members memories of great Avengers moments past, and the final few panels that really deliver the emotion.
4. Ultron Unlimited
Arguably the Avengers greatest Villain, Ultron, returns, and with a bang, killing an entire nation of people, and that's only the start of the death in this short epic ,a bunch of zombies and a whole heap of robots get killed before the end of the final issue, but there's also the potential for the creation of life, with a twist on how Hank Pym created Ultron. This story escalates all that history between Pym and Ultron and brings it to an emotional and satisfying conclusion and there's also one of The Avengers greatest battles.
3. Red Zone
This story got me back into reading The Avengers after Busiek left, it's not as fantastical or earth shattering as some of Busiek's work, instead Geoff Johns brings the Avengers back down to the level of real people and real world threats, which grounds and makes the emotion in this story all the more powerful.
2. Destiny War
Another tour de force from the now legendary Busiek run, originally published as a separate maxi series, Busiek utilises Kang, Immortus, and characters and stories from the entirety of The Avengers continuity like no other writer could. If your familiar with the issues referenced, this is Avengers fan service of the highest quality
1. The Kang Dynasty
Another candidate for the Avengers greatest ever villain, Kang the conquer, features in this epic about global conquest, betrayal and most importantly the idea of Kang's final battle. The now ageing Kang has prepared and built this up as his ultimate confrontation against the heroes of this times earth. For me the Kang Dynasty is like Kraven's Last Hunt but on an avengers scale.Truly epic.

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