Thursday 14 March 2013

Spider-Man's Top 5 Villains

5. Morlun
In my opinion Morlun is Spider-man's greatest villain of the modern era, his first appearance in J. Michael's Straczynski's run on Amazing Spider-man is in my opinion one of the webhead's greatest fights and was only a prelude to what was to come.(spoilers if you haven't read 'Spider-man-the other-evolve or die')He kills Spider-man! he doesn't just beat him, and he does beat him, he beats him bad. MORLUN FRIGGIN KILLS SPIDER-MAN. nuff said.
4. The Lizard
What makes the lizard a great villain is that he's one of spider-man's most dangerous villains but he's also Kurt Connors one of spider-man's few friends, the complex relationship between the three parties makes most stories involving the lizard very tense and very unique.
3. Kraven The Hunter
Kraven became so wrapped up in defeating Spider-man, it defined him, kraven the hunter, he could hunt and kill any animal on earth but was repeatedly beaten by Spider-man, an insect. What kraven first saw as his weakest prey soon became his greatest. (spoiler if you haven't read 'kravens last hunt') He finally defeats Spider-man, he drugs him, buries him alive then dresses up in his costume and becomes him, the ultimate and total victory, and afterwards when it is all done and it is finally over, there are no more hunts worthy of Kraven, he can die at peace. He commits suicide guaranteeing him the last victory.
2. Venom
When venom first came on the scene no other spidey villain could touch him. Consisting of an alien symbiote suit brought back to earth by spider-man from the secret wars then rejected and left to fend for itself on a foreign planet, and Eddie Brock, fired from his job as a journalist and then divorced by his wife all because of an interview with a supposed serial killer he'd wrote, who turned out to be a chronic confessor when spider-man captured the real killer. Brock and the symbiote bonded to form a creature far stronger than their mutually hated enemy. Venom could blend into any background, has a much larger supply of organic webbing, doesn't set off peter's spidey sense and since the symbiote was once bonded to peter it and in turn venom, knows all spider-man's secrets. No villain is as dangerous in a one on one fight as Venom.
1. The Green Goblin
Easily spider-man's greatest villain, no one has come close to causing the same amount of anguish to the webslinger as the green goblin .(potential spoilers here) From the initial dynamic of being Peter's best friend Harry Osbourne's father , to finding out Peter's identity, dying then coming back from the dead, killing peters true love Gwen Stacy, corrupting and in one way or another causing the death of Harry, killing Ben Reilly, kidnapping aunt May, having kids by Gwen Stacy it just keeps on going, and all of this history is in play every time spider-man and the green goblin meet creating one of comics all time greatest conflicts.

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